Unveiling our New Brand Identity
9/3/20232 دقيقة قراءة

We're excited to introduce to the Kuwaiti market our NEW BRAND IDENTITY.
The eagle signifies concentration, leadership and aspiration - which is what we strive for at AlKhuzam & Co. by capturing the essence of how our company has evolved, grown & transitioned into who we have become today.
The Birth of our New Brand Identity
Blog Author: Afwaz Alkhuzam
We decided to re-brand to reflect our core values and better connect with our target audience. We wanted a fresh start and a new look that embodied our beliefs.
After a thorough analysis of the market, we learned that Alkhuzam & Co.'s current image wasn't reflecting our true potential. We gathered data, feedback, & insights to build our new visual identity.
This re-brand is not only about a new image, it is also about our mindset. Alkhuzam & Co. is committed to continue to deliver high-value services through authenticity and innovation.
Since our goal is to always move forward & progress, our former brand identity was not resonating with our brand evolution over the last decade. We decided to fix that and create something that was more relatable to our growth journey in the Kuwaiti & GCC markets.
To aesthetically aligned with Alkhuzam & Co's values & beliefs
To bring about a strong message within the Kuwaiti Industries
To resonate with Clients
The Reasons Behind the Change

Our New Brand Identity
Our objective was to make sure our brand strongly resonates with the essence of how Alkhuzam & Co has evolved, grown & transitioned into who we have become today - innovative, high- value focused & driven by authenticity.

We would like to express our gratitude for the unwavering support & trust in Alkhuzam & Co. & the services we have been privileged to provide within the Kuwaiti & GCC markets. Our commitment to delivering exceptional value remains steadfast & our dedication to continuously improve and exceed your expectations.
"I must say your choice of the falcon image for your company's branding is fantastic. It shouts 'authenticity' and for me it also reflects - sharpness, speed, precision & nobility."

Muneera Al Mutairi
ex Digital Transformation Leader at CMA | Business Owner
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